Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.

What is the NOIM and where do I get one?

NOIM stands for ‘Notice of Intended Marriage’ and is a mandatory notice period for all marriages in Australia. It must be completed and signed, by yourselves and an authorised person as stated on the NOIM and given to your chosen Celebrant at least 1 month before the marriage takes place.
The NOIM can be located at the official Australian Governments Attorney General Department website:
You will need to provide identification documents such as your birth certificate / passport / drivers licence and complete the form honestly. I can help you complete the form if you need assistance.
Please note that it is a criminal offence for a person to give the Notice to an authorised celebrant or to sign it if that person knows the Notice contains a false statement or an error or is defective (Section 104, Marriage Act).

Who is an authorised person to sign the NOIM?

The Notice must be signed in the presence of an authorised witness. Persons who are authorised to witness the Notice are:
If the party signs the Notice in Australia – an authorised celebrant, a justice of the peace, a barrister or solicitor, a medical practitioner, or a member of the Australian Federal Police or the police force of a State or Territory.
If the party signs the Notice outside of Australia – an Australian Consular Officer, an Australian Diplomatic Officer, a notary public, and employee of the Commonwealth authorised under paragraph 3c of the Consular Fees Act 1955, or an employee of the Australian Trade Commission authorised under paragraph 3 (d) of the Consular Fees Act 1995.
Your authorised celebrant will need to sight your photographic ID and place of birth, and evidence that you are free to marry if you have been married before, and any name changes if applicable. They will also need to be satisfied that you are freely giving consent, agreeing to the marriage, and be of marrying age according to the Marriage Act 1961

My partner is overseas/away, how can we complete the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) form?

If it is not reasonably possible for one of the couple to sign the NOIM (such as one person is not in Australia), an authorised celebrant has discretion to accept the NOIM with just one of the couples signatures, or an alternative authorised person witnessing your signature as stated on the NOIM.
The 2nd person must sign the NOIM form when they arrive in Australia.
The NOIM must be signed by both parties before the marriage can take place.

I've been married before, do I need to tell you this?

Yes, you have to legally declare this on the NOIM, and provide evidence that you are now free to marry again. You will need to show your Celebrant the original divorce or the death certificate of your spouse, showing the trail of name changes you have undertaken.

Getting married overseas - The Legal’s

In Australia you cannot get married again if you are already married. For example, if you get legally married in Bali, then you cannot get married again in Australia on your return.
If you are wanting official Australian marriage documentation (including taking on your partners surname without the need to do so by Deed Poll / State Name Change in Australia), then consider the bigger picture.
You can get married in Australia first, then go overseas for a commitment ceremony and/or celebrations or vice versa, but the legal bit will need to happen in Australia if it’s the Australian documents you are wanting.
You can literally get married with a celebrant just before heading to the airport if that’s how you roll!

We live outside of Australia and are holidaying in WA. Can we get married whilst we are there?

Absolutely, yes you can do this.
Contact us first to make sure we are available for your chosen date.
We can direct you with the NOIM and then you will need to get your identification documents witnessed and signed and passed back to the Marriage Office Mandurah at least 1 month before your intended marriage date.
Please see ‘Who is an authorised person to sign, on the NOIM.
Speak to your local Births Deaths and Marriage Registry Office to find out if you need to register your Australian marriage in your home country on your return, and if you need to do anything to legally change your name.

What documents do you need to sign to get married in Australia?

Before you get married:
Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) (at least 1 month before you get married)

Declaration of no legal impediment to marriage (just before you get married) On your wedding day three marriage certificates must be signed by:
You and your spouse, the authorised marriage Celebrant & two witnesses, who must be over 18 years old.
2 x Official Certificates of Marriage (on the day)
Ceremonial Certificate of Marriage (on the day) the marrying couple keep this.
Everyone signing must be in a fit and proper state to understand what they are signing!

Do we need to do anything after the marriage?

Your official marriage certificate that you signed on your wedding day is lodged within a day or two, and no later than 14 days by the Marriage Office Mandurah to The Registry of Births, Death & Marriages in Perth.
We will send you an email once this is done and around two weeks later, you can then apply online for your official copy at: the cost is currently $55 payable to BDM.
We will send you an email with this link after you are married to remind you.

I am the groom, can I take my brides surname?

Yes you can. You can take either name once you are married in Australia, it works both ways.

When are you open?

Our premise is open by appointment only, please contact us to have a chat and if requested, to schedule a consultation.

Can we bring confetti or drinks?

As we are a Registry Style Wedding office environment, we may take a number of bookings in one day. Therefore we do not have the time between bookings to tidy up ready for our next marrying couple. Confetti is not permitted outside either, as this is a public space and littering is an offence. Sorry!

Unfortunately we do not hold an RGL licence for BYO, as we do not kitchen facilities or the space to cater for beverages. There is an array of neighbouring businesses who can offer fantastic hospitality services. Please utilise them.


Say hello

Unless you see our doors open, our venue will be by appointments only. Please get in touch to book a consultation at our premise.

Adhoc weekly opening times are updated on our Facebook page.

Marriage Office Mandurah

4 Spinnaker Quays, Mandurah


Today By Appointment