Learn About The Legal Wedding Requirements In Western Australia

So you have decided to get married, and now considering your options. Many people consider the basic legal’s only marriage service because it is simple, can be managed under a strict budget, requires very little time and supports a lot of modern concepts too. If you are in Australia, or wanting to come to Australia to get married there are land looking to get married legally, like religious marriage ceremonies, legal marriage has some rules instead of rituals. So today, we will help you learn about the legal wedding requirements in Western Australia.

To be married in Australia, couples must:

  • Not be married to another person
  • Not be marrying a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild or sibling
  • Be at least 18 years old, unless a court has approved a marriage where one party is aged between sixteen and eighteen years old
  • Understand what marriage means and freely consent to marrying.

You do not need to reside in Australia or be a Citizen.

For all marriages you will be required to bring two witnesses who can understand the English language and who are 18 years or older.

Please note it is a requirement of the Marriage Act 1961 to give at least 1 months’ notice, which means the Notice of Intended Marriage document has to be signed by an authorised witness and accepted by a Celebrant, at least one month before your planned wedding day. So bear this in mind with your planning ahead.

Steps To Get Legally Married In Australia

Step 1: Complete your Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) application. You can download it from here. You must thoroughly read the form as this is a legal document. You will be required to complete page 3 and have your signature witnessed by an authorised person as stated on the NOIM on page 4. A Celebrant is an authorised person, so this is the easiest option as you can get this signed when the Celebrant accepts your notice. If you need assistance with completing the NOIM, your celebrant will be more than happy to help.


Step 2: Provide evidence of your identity and that you are free to marry if applicable:

All documentation must be original, not copies

  • evidence of your date and place of birth (such as your birth certificate or passport)
  • photographic evidence of your identity (such as your driver’s licence or passport)
  • proof that a previous marriage has ended if applicable (divorce or death certificate)
  • evidence of any name changes if applicable

Living Outside of Australia

If one of you is in Australia, you can lodge your NOIM, giving your minimum of one months’ notice and once your partner arrives, their signature can be obtained when they meet with the celebrant. Ideally before the wedding day so that the Authorised Celebrant can check their ID and be confident that they meet all the requirements of The Marriage Act 1961.

If both of you are living outside of Australia, then you two must fill out the NOIM and seek an authorised witness (stated on page 4) with following options to get your signature witnessed,

  1. An Australian Consular Officer
  2. Australian Diplomatic Officer
  3. A notary public
  4. An employee of the Commonwealth authorised under paragraph 3(c) of the Consular Fees Act 1955
  5. An employee of the Australian Trade Commission authorised under paragraph 3(d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955.

It is a good idea to connect with your chosen Celebrant before seeking an authorised witness overseas, so that your celebrant can guide you and answer all your questions.

Once your NOIM has been witnessed and signed by the authorised witness, then you will need to connect with your celebrant and send them a copy of the NOIM so the celebrant can check it, check your ID and accept it so that your Notice is lodged. Your celebrant will also ask for the ‘original’ NOIM to be given to them for their records. You can post this, or bring it with you when you come to Australia.

You can connect through ZOOM/Skype etc and your Celebrant will send you a connection link.

Deadline for NOIM Submission

Your marriage celebrant must receive, check and accept the NOIM at least one month prior to your date of marriage. Remember, once submitted, this NOIM has a validity of 18 months. You must plan and book a date accordingly.


Marriage is a beautiful celebration of the bond between two people.

Marriage Office Mandurah is the best place to get started if you are looking to get married legally in WA. They have the perfect set up in their office overlooking Mandurah Marina and here to help you every step of the way.

If you are looking for a wedding celebrant then look no further, Contact Marriage Office Mandurah today and get started with your first meeting.

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